EXTRAordinary#5 Zhiting: from novice to marketing expert 智婷:不断进阶的市场营销人

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I was born and raised in Guangzhou, China, and moved to Singapore at the age of 15. I subsequently completed my secondary education and university studies here.

I majored in Business in National University of Singapore (NUS), specialising in Finance and Operations. However, I discovered that my true passion lay elsewhere, as I didn’t feel energised during finance classes.

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EXTRAordianry#4 Natalie: navigating a research career and motherhood 思慧,探索研究事业和母亲身份

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I am Natalie from Singapore. I am a mother of two, one is 3.5 years old and the other one on the way. I am also a Christian.

Early on, I wasn’t sure about my interests. It was until I joined University Scholars Programme (USP) during university that I discovered my passion for asking “why”. The diverse student community in USP encouraged debates where there wasn’t a single answer, and there was perfectly fine. Unlike the content-heavy curriculum in high school, university provided a supportive environment for inquiry and questioning.  

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新加坡的“甘榜”教室:靠土地耕心 Kampung Classroom in Urban Singapore: Nurturing Heart in Nature (Chinese)


The Chinese article is originally published on Shanghai-based Business Ecology on 28 November, 2016



“甘榜教室”的入口 Continue reading

新加坡的社会企业 Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Singapore (Chinese)

先于2016年发表于社企论坛微信平台(微信号: CSESIF) Originally published on China Social Enterprise and Investment Forum, CSEIF WeChat account in 2016


1(繁华的新加坡) Continue reading

A peek into global eco-villages 永续发展 由你我开始


This bilingual article is originally published as “On Intentional Communities” on Taisheng publication on November 2016

Mahota Symposium is a social commitment of Prime Group International. It is held annually to generate interest and discussions on the broad topic of sustainability. This year, I attended the 7th Mahota Symposium, which explores the topic of “Intentional Communities”.

Starts with a question mark: what is an intentional community?

Mahota Symposium is not a one-way lecture. Instead it is a community dialogue that invites every participant to share.

Yong Shao, the host of the symposium, encourages all participants to ask the right questions.

So what is an intentional community? There is no simple answer. The symposium features a few eco-villages to share with us their perspectives.

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She comes to China for the forgotten orphans 为青少年孤儿点明希望

2 Cyndy and Kim Lean with youth orphans who are bakers-in-training in Xintiang_edited_1.jpg

The Programme Director Cyndy Tan (left) and founder Cheah Kim (right) of STOP with orphans supported by Good Rock Foundation in Xinjiang, China

This bilingual article is originally published on DBS Foundation website Asia For Good in October, 2015

Originally from Singapore, Cyndy Tan left her senior marketing job in a bank for Shanghai to set up STOP (Save The Orphans & Poor), in China.

S.T.O.P. Poverty Limited focuses on providing a vocational platform for youngsters from poor families and teen orphans who are ready to leave the orphanage that has been their home. Having impacted 23 youth so far, the social enterprise is also helping 33 orphans through various partnerships in Shanghai.

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A soul of empathy and freedom


Ananda, the Brazilian girl with amazingly lively smile

Late evening, in a MRT train. I saw her giving her seat to an elderly man who was standing. Then, she stood up, and carried a huge backpack with her.

She has curly and brushy brown hair. Colourful baggy pants. Her face was smiling, radiating. Unlike most of the other passengers who had drained their energy from their monotonous work routines, she was full of life.

Her curious eyes met mine. With a smile, we started talking. Continue reading

Accidentally Romania


The hero of our story, friendly, bearly (and a little bit clumsy) Romanian friend – Victor!

I was in a Yong Tau Foo Restaurant (Yong Tau Foo, a popular local soupy dish in Singapore and Malaysia. You can DIY, choose from a whole selection of different vegetables, tofu, sea food, meat…). There was this bearly, clumsy figure hesitating in front of the food selection area.

“Is there Tom Yum?Tom Yum?”

His English had a heavy Eastern European accent. And unfortunately, the shop keepers were not native English speakers either. They were as confused as him.

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Little India Chatparty: sharing food, sharing memories

chatparty 5

Let the chatparty begins! (credit: Participate in Design – PID!)

Singapore is a melting pot, many areas are coloured by their unique ethnic identities. Little India is one of them.

Little India district has many layers. During colonial days, it was dominated by Europeans and Indian traders. In modern days, there are HDB housing estates (Singapore government housing) which ensures a fair mix of races. And there are also waves of new migrants from India and Bangladesh. These layers make Little India complex, and even more interesting to explore.

To get to know the people living in this area, non-profit organisations “Participate in Design” and “Octopus Residency” co-organised Chatparty, a neighbour party that brings people together through food, while collecting stories of the communities.

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